Care Equestrian
Located at Tamarack Hill Farm
A picturesque piece of countryside in Belwood, Ontario that features a holistic approach to horsemanship.  Situated on 50 acres backing onto the Wellington Conservation Forest, the property includes 10 large paddocks with turnout shelters, grass riding rings, a roundpen, and numerous trails through the sandy forest and Speed River.

Caroline Godson
"She learned how to ride before she knew how to walk."
Caroline was born into a family of equestrians spanning several generations, with her first competition coming at age 4.
As a junior Caroline was mentored for 10 years by "The Colonel" Michael Gutowski, legendary Canadian Show Jumping Coach who is credited with bringing the classical form of European equitation to Canada. As one of his youngest students, Caroline has made his equitation the foundation of her riding and training principles.
Care Equestrian is based out of Tamarack Hill Farm in Belwood. Caroline specializes in retraining horses for their new careers with the focus on helping riders develop a more meaningful relationship with their horse. Building a strong foundation in a horse helps build a balanced mind, body, and spirit.
The philosophy here at Care Equestrian is to develop a strong foundation for our clients to understand their horse's needs.  This creates the strongest connection for the ideal partnership between horse and rider.

Tailored packages available starting at $250 a week. Monthly starting at $900.

With a goal-oriented approach, I like to build steps and use specific exercises to build a strong foundation for the horse and rider to succeed.
Rider Equitation
Equine Behavioural Therapy
Equine Reiki L1 Certification
Lesson packages starting at $60/h
All Lessons available ON or OFF SITE

A selection of horses available and services provided to find you your ideal partner.
pricing available upon request
For Sale
Philanthropist X Danzatara
Phil is a true professional with the biggest heart!
He knows his job well and really does perform when he enters the show ring. Phil is consistent, straightforward, and perfect for a junior or amateur rider looking to event or do jumpers. This year he won at Open Training Level in Eventing and was Reserve Champion in 1.0m Trillium Jumpers. Recently he was a catch ride for a junior, testing for her Pony Club C2 Level, and behaved impeccably. He is simple to ride in dressage, with a light mouth and naturally steady contact. He has a flashy lengthen in both the trot and canter and an automatic change. Over fences, he is careful, brave, and competitive.
Phil is a delight to have around the farm. He is kind and gentle on the ground and easy to keep. He requires no maintenance or show prep. Recent clean X-rays were taken to make the sales process quick and simple.
He is ready to excel in whatever ring you choose.
Lots of videos on my YouTube channel
Located in Belwood, Ontario.
Shipping can be arranged across North America

58 Years Experience
Beginner thru to Young Rider
Pony Club "A" Certification 1967.
Head Instructor, Calgary Pony Club 1972.
Senior "A" National Pony Club Examiner

This flamboyant white knight has an expensive taste for fine shoes, and his lively eye is always on the prize.
Leased for 2024 Season

Wild Embers
This slim, trim, long-legged vixen picks one pace and sticks to it.
3rd EVENTING, 2019 RRP
6th 1.0m Jumper Classic Silver Series 2023
3rd 1.0m Power and Speed Trillium 2023
2nd 3"3 Open Hunter Silver Series 2023
Future upper-level mount

This boy just aims to please!
1st - Open Training Caledon Horse Trials 2023
3rd - Open Training Cherrylane Horse Trials 2023
Champion Reserve 1.0m Trillium Jumpers 2023
2nd - Open Training Wits End Horse Trials 2022
3rd - Open Training Glen Arden Horse Trials 2021

Arts Hidden Topaz
This lovely girl is sweet, simple, and smart.
Future Sales Prospect